You can find our crates at [/warp crates] located in spawn.
The Vote, Rare and Legendary crates offer a variety of helpful items like job/skill boosters, coins and custom item tokens that can do various things like temporary flight, repair your items, add more chunks your town can claim and more! They increase in efficacy and monetary value as you go from vote -> legendary.
The Cosmetic crate contains a set numbers of cosmetics that you can
collect and you can read more about here.
How do you get crate keys?
Crate keys are virtual items that get added to your player upon being rewarded.
Vote Keys can be acquired by voting on our vote sites that you can find
here , in our discord server or by doing [/vote] ingame.
Rare Keys can be acquired from vote parties, daily rewards, upgrading vote
keys in the [/keys] menu, or as a reward from the vote crate.
Legendary Keys can be acquired through the other
crates, upgrading from rare keys in [/keys], from a server keyall or by
being purchased with prisms from the [/prismsshop] ingame.
Prisms can be bought from the online PrismaCraft shop
Cosmetic Keys can be bought from [/prismsshop] with prisms ingame.
Virtual vs. Physical Keys
Since keys are rewarded as virtual items rather than physical, we've made a way
make sure the player trading and shop economy for keys stays alive.
In the [/keys] menu, players have the ability to not only see how many keys are in their
inventory or available virtually, but they can withdraw, deposit, and upgrade their keys!
Withdrawing - Turn virtual keys into physical items for player trading.
Depositing - Deposit physical key items into virtual for crate opening purposes.
Upgrading - Turn Vote keys into Rare, Cosmetic into Rare, or Rare into Legendary
all in the Key Dealer section.
Legendary Items
The crate has 2 legendary items that switch out
on the 1st of every month.
We have a system in place that gives you 1
legendary shard every time you open the
legendary crate and DON'T receive a legendary item
so that when you get to 40 legendary shards you can
manually purchase the legendary item of the month
in [/lsshop]. You can see
your shard balance on the scoreboard!
If you win a legendary item your shard balance will
reset back to 0.