
This allows you to turn in a random item/block every day for a bit of money and at the end of the day the top 3 people will get a rewards from the reward list pictured below.

At the start of each Collector, it will choose a random block/item for players to turn in for a point per block/item and some cash based on what item it is the price varies. To turn in your block/items you can either go to the menu or type [/collector sell] in chat. If you want to turn in a container of items your can! If you just look at the chest and type [/collector sell container] in chat and it will sell that container.

This is what the menu will look like when you type [/collector] in chat.

The top left spyglass shows you all players that are participating in the collector event and how much they have turned in.

The bottom left bell shows you the time remaining on the collector event.

The bottom middle shows you what block/item is currently being collected and how much it sells for, when you click on this it will turn  in the block/items in your inventory of that type to the collector.

The bottom right enchanted book shows you all the rewards you can get for being top 3 when you click on it.     (Rewards pictured here)  -->

The top right end crystal is where you collect your rewards, if you placed top 3 in a collector then your rewards will show up here.

The top middle shows the top 3 players at that time if there is nothing turned in yet the area will show pieces of paper as placeholders.