Towny Taxes & Upkeep

Taxes and upkeep are collected every "New Day" or every 24 real world hours. You can check when the next new day will occur with [/towny time]

Towny has a inactivity auto town kick to help clean up towns that are not being maintained/used, the time to be inactivity kicked from a town is 2 months so make sure to log on every once and awhile so your town doesn't fall or get auto deleted!

Town Upkeep

In order to keep your town operational you will need to pay town upkeep! Upkeep is taken from your town bank which you can add money to with the [/t deposit <amount>] command.

Town upkeep is calculated with the following formula: (10 * number of plots) * upkeep modifier
If the result of this formula is less than 250 coins upkeep will instead be set to 250.

Upkeep Modifier: The upkeep modifier comes from your town level, which is based on the number of residents you have.
Increasing your town level also unlocks perks like more outposts and bonus claim chunks.

  • Settlement (1 resident)
    • upkeep modifier: 1.0
    • outposts: 1
  • Hamlet (2 residents)
    • upkeep modifier: 1.0
    • outposts: 2
  • Village (6 residents)
    • upkeep modifier: 1.0
    • outposts: 3
  • Town (10 residents)
    • upkeep modifier: 1.0
    • outposts: 4
  • Large Town (15 residents)
    • upkeep modifier: 1.0
    • outposts: 5
  • City (20 residents)
    • upkeep modifier: 0.95
    • outposts: 6
  • Large City (25 residents)
    • upkeep modifier: 0.85
    • outposts: 7
  • Metropolis (35 residents)
    • upkeep modifier: 0.7
    • outposts: 8
  • Megalopolis (50 residents)
    • upkeep modifier: 0.55
    • outposts: 9
  • Giglopolis (75 residents)
    • upkeep modifier: 0.5
    • outposts: 10
  • Teralopolis (100 residents)
    • upkeep modifier: 0.45
    • outposts: 11

Nation Upkeep

Nations also have upkeep that must be paid! Upkeep is taken from your nation bank which you can add money to with the [/n deposit <amount>] command.

Nation upkeep is calculated with the following formula: 500 * number of towns in the nation

Nations also have levels, however, they do not effect upkeep.

  • Realm (1 resident)
    • bonus claim chunks: 25
    • bonus outposts: 1
  • Commonwealth (10 residents)
    • bonus claim chunks: 40
    • bonus outposts: 2
  • Federation (25 residents)
    • bonus claim chunks: 60
    • bonus outposts: 3
  • Kingdom (75 residents)
    • bonus claim chunks: 85
    • bonus outposts: 4
  • Domain (125 residents)
    • bonus claim chunks: 115
    • bonus outposts: 5
  • Dominion (175 residents)
    • bonus claim chunks: 125
    • bonus outposts: 6
  • Empire (250 residents)
    • bonus claim chunks: 150
    • bonus outposts: 7


Some towns choose to fund their upkeep with taxes on residents.
Taxes can also be set to a negative number to pay each resident/town on each 'New Day'.

Town Taxes

  • [/town set taxes {$}]

    • This can be either a flat rate (ex: 10) or a percentage.

      • Toggling taxes from flatrate to percentage is done using [/town toggle taxpercent]

      • Flatrate:

        • This charges each resident of a town the same amount. Setting it to 10 would charge each resident each 'New Day'.

        • If a resident can't pay the town tax when using flatrate taxation then they are kicked from the town.

      • Percentage:

        • This charges a player a percentage of their money. If a player has no money left, they pays no taxes and are not kicked from the town.

        • A maximum amount taken by the taxpercent can be configured using [/town set taxpercentcap {$}]

  • [/town set plottax {$}]

    • This charges each resident of a town for each plot they own. (Setting it to 10 would charge Steve 40 dollars if he owned 4 plots.)

    • If a resident can't pay their plot tax they loses their plot.

Mayors also have the ability to exempt personally owned plots from the normal plottax with the [/plot toggle taxed] command

Nation Taxes

  • [/nation set taxes {$}]
    • This can be either a flat rate (ex: 10) or a percentage.

      • Toggling taxes from flatrate to percentage is done using [/nation toggle taxpercent]

      • Flatrate: - This charges each town that is a member of the nation. Setting it to 100 would charge each town's townbank 100 each 'New Day'.

        • If a town can't pay it's tax then it is kicked from the nation.

      • Percentage:

        • This charges a town within the nation a percentage of their money. If a town has no money left, they pay no taxes and are not kicked from the nation.

        • A maximum amount taken by the taxpercent can be configured using [/nation set taxpercentcap {$}]