QOL Features

Prismacraft has many Quality of Life features these are features that improve your every day experience on the server!

  • Items dropped on the ground will stack together in stacks up to 6400!

  • We also have a feature that removes irritating drops from mobs like Wither Skeleton's swords and regular Skeleton's bows to prevent inventories being clogged with these items while grinding.

  • A useful building feature that increases the speed on the weathering of copper is possible by placing your copper blocks on the ground and using splash potions of speed to splash them on the blocks and advance them a stage.

  • You have the ability to show off your items/inventory in chat, while in chat if you type [i] it will show the item in your main hand in chat and if you do [inv] it will show off your inventory to the chat.

  • If you want to check the statistics of your horse then you can! While holding a book in your main hand if you right click on the horse it will show its stats in chat.

  • There is a way to check beehives to see if there are any bees in them and see how much honey the honey level is. If you go up to a beehive and right click on it a menu shows up that shows the honey and how many bees are in the hive, and in the middle there is a red glass pane that says Evacuate Bees pressing this will kick all of the bees out of the hive.

  • You can open shulker boxes in your inventory or in your hand by right clicking on them in the inventory or right clicking in your hand out of inventory.

  • On the server we have a easy way to make concrete if you don't have to go though the hassle of placing and breaking all of it. If you place down a cauldron and put water in it and throw in a stack of concrete powder it will use up some of the water and give you your concrete powder back as regular concrete.

  • You can make any size or shape portal you want so if your are trying to fit your portal into a heart shape you can!

  • If you do not want your baby animals to grow up you can right click on them with a poisonous potato and it will stop their ageing.

  • Ladder Tweaks! You can shift right click on the top and bottom of ladder to instantly teleport to the other end of the ladder. You can also place ladders from the top one and it will place the ladders all the way down to the ground, this is great for when there is a really large drop and you need to get down (they also will place in the air so they don't need a back support.)

  • Super Sponges are custom sponges which suck up a bunch more water than regular sponges! You can find how to craft them in [/recipes]. There are also lava sponges which behave exactly the same except for the fact that they suck up lava instead of water!

  • Elevators are custom place-able blocks which take you up or down to another elevator block on the same x and z coordinates. Jumping will take you up a level and crouching will take you down an elevator level. You can find the recipe in [/recipes].

  • Multi use buckets can be used up to 32 times without refilling them! You can find the recipe in [/recipes].

  • You can disenchant all enchanted items in a chest with [/disenchant], or specify which items by doing [/disenchant (item)]. Once you enter the command, you get XP back for the disenchanted items and lose the enchants (they are not returned back to you).