Towny Plot Types & Groups

Plot Types

Different plot types allow mayors and town staff to easily designate the uses for specific plots.
You can use [/town plots <town name>] to view a list of the plot types and count in a town.
You can use [/plot set <plot type>] to set the plot type.

  • Outposts
    • Outposts are probably the most important plot type.
    • Normally townblocks are claimed spreading out from around a town's homeblock, always connected to other townblocks. However, by claiming an outpost with [/town claim outpost] towns can calm land far from their homeblock.
    • Outposts function a lot like the homeblock. You can claim chunks adjacent to them, teleport to their spawn point, and move their spawn point.
    • You can teleport to an outpost with [/town outpost <name/number>]
    • Outposts cost 50,000 coins to claim.
    • The number of outposts a town can have is based on their town level and their nation bonus.
  • Default Plots
    • Default plots do not need to be specifically designated, every plot you claim will be a default plot automatically!
    • You can put them up for sale with [/plot forsale <amount>]
    • You can reset a plot to default with [/plot set reset]
  • Farm Plots
    • Farm plots allow players to build/break a specific list of blocks which can be viewed with [/towny allowedblocks]. They also allow players to kill mobs within the farm plot.
    • Who is able to build/break/kill in a plot is determined by the plot permissions [/plot perm].
  • Shop Plots
    • Shop plots provide an additional way for towns to make revenue from shop owners.
    • Mayors can use [/town set shopprice <amount>] to set how much shop plots sell for by default. This can be overridden with [/plot forsale <amount>]
    • A mayor can also charge a shoptax with [/town set shoptax <amount>], shoptax is charged in addition to normal plot tax.
  • Arena Plots
    • Arena plots simply enable PVP!
    • Per server rules, these plots must be clearly marked and noticeable from outside the plot.
  • Embassy Plots
    • Unlike other plot types, embassy plots are claimable by any player. They are generally used so that other towns than the host town can have a presence wherever they are set.
    • Mayors can use [/town set embassyprice <amount>] to set how much embassy plots sell for by default. This can be overridden with [/plot forsale <amount>]
    • A mayor can also charge an embassytax with [/town set embassytax <amount>], embassytax is charged in addition to normal plot tax.
  • Wilds Plots
    • Wilds plots are very rarely used. They essentially function to allow a town to maintain ownership of a plot while allowing it to basically function as wilderness.
  • Inn Plots
    • Inn plots do not have much function besides allowing outsiders to sleep in your town.
  • Jail Plots
    • Jail plots can have multiple jail cells in them. Jail cells are made/removed using [/plot jailcell <add/remove>].
    • A town can see a list of their jails using [/town jail list]. A town sets their primaryjail using [/town set primaryjail].
    • Players can be sent to jail for two reasons.
      • The player's mayor or sheriff send them to jail.
        • Mayors and sheriffs can use [/town jail <name> <hours> <bail> <jail> <cell>] to jail a player, any option other than the name is optional and if not specified will use the default amount.
      • An outlaw dies at the hand of a sheriff inside town
    • Jailed players become unjailed for several reasons.
      • They leave their town and become a nomad.
      • The mayor/sheriff unjails them.
      • The jailed player pays a bail amount to the town using [/resident jail paybail]
      • The jailed player manages to escape the jail plot and the town and get into the wilderness.
    • Jailed player restrictions:
      • Jailed players cannot teleport.
      • Jailed players cannot use ender pearls or chorus fruit.
      • Jailed players who died are sent back to their cell.
  • Bank Plots
    • Bank plots serve no special purpose, however, you can use them to designate things in your town.

Plot Groups

Plots can be grouped together into plot groups. This allows plots to be bought/sold and manipulated as if they were one plot. 
To create a plot group you can use [/plot group add <group name>] if the group already exists the plot will be added to it, if it does not a new group with the specified name will be created.

Most commands to manipulate plot groups are the same as regular plots, however, instead of starting with [/plot] they start with [/plot group]

Plot Districts

Plot districts function similarly to plot groups in that they are made up of multiple chunks grouped together.
However unlike plot groups, each plot within a district can have its own perms, owner, type, and name.

Commands to manipulate districts start with [/plot district]