Starting Towny


When you first start you may not have the capital needed to start your own town. Instead you can create a camp!

  • Camps are created by placing a campfire and they last five real world days. After that time you'll need to place the campfire again to refresh your five day countdown.
  • Be careful and check your chunk borders with f3 + g (or fn + f3 + g if you're on a laptop) before placing a campfire, they only claim one chunk and can only be moved every twelve real world hours.

Joining a Town

You might not be interested in starting your own town. Instead you could join one!

  • Joining a town is as simple as asking a mayor or town staff for an invite!
  • Towns tend to have their own rules and regulations that you'll need to follow so make sure to talk with town leadership when you're thinking about joining.

If no mayors or town staff are around to invite you, you should check the town recruitment channel in discord!

Starting a Town

If you've decided you want to start your own town you'll need 25,000 coins and a location! 

  • To start your town you'll want to do [/town new <name of your town>], which will claim the chunk you're standing in and place the spawn point at your feet.
  • After you've gotten started you'll want to deposit some money into the town bank with [/town deposit <amount>] to pay upkeep.
  • You can expand your claim by doing [/town claim] in a chunk adjacent to any chunk you've already claimed. Claims must be ten chunks away from any towns that do not share your nation.
  • To invite your friends to your town you can do [/town invite <name>]!