Towny Permissions

There are four permission-type values, which can be set for personal and town plots. Town permissions can be set by the mayor and affect plots which are not owned by any player.
The basic commands to edit permissions are [/res set perm] or [/town set perm] followed by the proper flags for each permssion.

Permission Types

  • Build allows players to place blocks.
  • Destroy allows players to remove blocks.
  • Switch allows players to interact with blocks you click on. Think chests, furnaces, buttons, etc. You can view a list of these with the [/towny switches] command.
  • ItemUse allows players to use items. Think boats, minecarts, leads, enderpearls, etc. You can view a list of these with the [/towny itemuse] command.

Permission Groups 

  • Friend/Resident
  • Town/Nation
  • Ally
  • Outsider

Each permission type has four permission groups which permissions can be set for.

These are displayed in your [/resident] permission line as FTAO and stand for Friend, Town, Ally, Outsider. For residents the Friend group consists of a player's friend list and Town consists of town members.
For towns, the perm line reads RNAO, with R representing Residents (players in that town) and Nation representing residents of towns in your nation.
On personally owned plots Ally consists of players in your nation and players in your nations allies. On town owned plots it is your nation's allies.
Outsiders are players who are not part of your town or nation or nation's allies.

Setting Permissions

A full list of commands can be found on the Towny Commands page. Below are some examples:

For unowned plots:

  • [/town set perm <on/off>] - Turns on or off all permissions for all permission types and all permission groups.
  • [/town set perm ally <on/off>] - Turns on or off all permission types for the town's allies.
  • [/town set perm resident build <on/off>] - Turns on or off all permissions for building done by resident of the town.

For personally owned plots:

  • [/resident set perm <on/off>] - Turns on or off all permissions for all permission types and all permission groups.
  • [/resident set perm friend <on/off>] - Turns on or off all permissions for the resident's friend list.
  • [/resident set perm ally <on/off>] - Turns on or off all permissions for all permission types to the resident's ally list.
  • [/resident set perm outsider switch <on/off>] - Turns on or off permissions for switch use by outsiders.

For individual plots: (the above commands are just for setting defaults, perms can be adjusted for individual plots)

  • [/plot set perm <on/off>] -  Turns on or off all permissions for all permission types and all permission groups on the plot.
  • [/plot set perm friend <on/off>] - Turns on or off all permissions for the resident's friend list on the plot.
  • [/plot set perm ally <on/off>] - Turns on or off all permissions for all permission types to the resident's ally list on the plot.
  • [/plot set perm outsider switch <on/off>] - Turns on or off permissions for switch use by outsiders on the plot.

Other Plot/Town Protections

Mayors can change the protection of their town with the following commands:

  • [/town toggle explosion]
  • [/town toggle fire]
  • [/town toggle pvp]
  • [/town toggle mobs]

Mayors or residents can change the protection of plots individually with the following commands:

  • [/town toggle explosion]
  • [/town toggle fire]
  • [/town toggle pvp]
  • [/town toggle mobs]

Trusting and Permission Overrides

Towns can add players to their trusted list with [/town trust add <name>] and remove them with [/town trust remove <name>].
Mayors can also use [/t trusttown add <town name>] too add an entire town to the trusted list. This has very very limited application.
Trusted players are treated similar to town staff, able to do any action in town owned plots. Trusted players do not have access to personally owned plots.
Players can also be trusted to specific plots with [/plot trust add <name>] and removed with 
[/plot trust remove <name>]. Trusted players have the same permissions as the plot owner.

Plot permission overrides let a player make specific changes to how specific players are able to use plots. To start a player is added or removed from a plot's permission overrides using [/plot perm add/remove <name>]. After a player is on this list, the plot owner can use [/plot perm gui] to adjust the individual players permissions. Overrides take precedent over all other permission settings.