
General Information

Jobs provide a sustainable income source for players. Note that players with a rank of 4 or higher have a rejoin cooldown period of 12 hours after leaving a job. The amount of jobs you can join and the amount of job blocks you can claim is determined by your rank.


  • [/jobs]: opens the main jobs gui
    • View information about your job blocks (furnaces, blast furnaces, smokers, brewing stands).
    • Join jobs.
    • Leave jobs.
    • View information about which jobs pay for which actions.

  • [/jobs stats <username>]: View the current job stats of a player.
  • [/jobs archive <username>]: View job stats of a a player including jobs they've left.
  • [/jobs info <job name>]: View which actions pay for each job.
  • [/jobs top <job name>]: View leaderboard for a job.
  • [/jobs join <job name>]: Join a job without needing to open the gui.
  • [/jobs leave <job name>]: Leave a job without needing to open the gui.
  • [/paycheque]: View how much money jobs have paid you in the past hour.
  • [/jobs clearownership]: Clear all of your claimed job blocks.

Job Levels

As you earn money from your jobs, you will also gain job experience. Leveling up in your jobs increases the amount of money each action pays you within the job.