
General Information

  • Chat is comprised of five main channels, direct message, party chat, and mail.
  • Before a player's username/ nickname you will see a number and sometimes some extra text. 
    • The number before someone's username represents their rank.
    • The extra text is a title! Which are can be applied to help you stand out in chat.
  • Staff members will have an extra tag before the number which lets you know they're a staff member!

Chat Channels


  • Global chat is the main channel that all players can see.
  • Channel tag: g


  • Local chat is a radius limited channel so only players within 64 blocks can see the messages you send.
  • Channel tag: lc


  • Town chat is a chat channel for each town on the server! Every town gets their own and only members of that town can see messages.
  • Channel tag: tc


  • Nation chat is similar to town chat. Each nation has their own nation chat and only members of that nation can see messages.
  • Channel tag: nc


  • Trade chat is for advertising items that you have for sale or your shops. Messages sent in this channel also go to the marketplace channel on discord.
  • Channel tag: tr

Direct Messages

  • Direct messages are private messages between players! You can send a private message with [/msg <username> <message>] or by clicking a player's name in chat.


  • Party chat is a lot like a group direct message. Only players in the party will see the messages.
  • To start a party you can use [/party host] then other players will be able to do [/party join <your name>]
  • To start typing in a party chat you can use [/party chat]
  • The owner of a party can also kick and ban participants with [/party kick <username>] or [/party ban <username>]


  • Mail is how you send messages to offline players. You can send a mail with [/mail send <username> <message>]

Other Information

Hover info

  • By hovering over a player's name in chat you can view information about that player.
  • Clicking on a player's name will automatically type "/msg <their username>" for you!
  • Clicking on a player's title will open up the titles gui for you!

Joining and leaving chat channels

  • You can join chat channels with [/<channel tag>] or [/channel <channel tag>]
  • You can leave any chat channel with [/leave <channel tag>]
  • Leaving a chat channel will prevent you from seeing any messages sent in that channel until you rejoin it.
  • You can easily switch which channel your messages will be sent to by joining a channel, messages are sent to whichever channel you most recently joined.

Ignoring Players

  • To stop seeing messages sent by a particular player you can use [/ignore <username>]
  • If you choose to /ignore staff members you are still responsible for responding to warnings