Plot Commands
The best way to review plot commands in game is through typing [/plot help]. The following is a list of commands that come with your plots, and the most frequently used commands are marked with a [!].
Claiming [!]
- /plot claim - claims the current plot you are standing on
- /plot auto - claims the nearest available plot
- /plot delete - deletes the plot you are standing on
- [!] /plot home [alias] - teleports you to your plot
- /plot visit [player] - visit someone's plot
- /plot kick [player] - kick a player from your plot
- [!] /plot middle - teleports you to the center of the plot
- [!] /plot trust [player] - allows a user to build in a plot and use WorldEdit while the plot owner is offline
- [!] /plot add [player] - allows a user to build in a plot while the owner is online
- /plot deny [player] - denies a player from entering a plot
- /plot remove [player] - removes a player from a plot
- /plot unlink - unlinks a mega plot
- /plot flag [set | remove | add | list | info] [flag] [value] - manages plot flags
- /plot done - marks a plot as done
- /plot continue - continue a plot that was previously marked as done
- [!] /plot sethome - set the plot home
- /plot toggle [chat | chatspy | clear-confirmation | time | titles | worldedit] - toggle per-user settings
- /plot info - display information about the plot
- /plot inbox - review comments for a plot
- /plot comment - comment on a plot
- /plot download [schem] - download your plot
- [!] /plot set [biome | alias | home | flag] [value] - set a plot value
- /plot clear - clear the plot you stand on
- /plot music [music] - play music in your plot
- /plot biome - set plot biome