
One of the most common ways to personalize yourself on Prisma is by collecting some of our titles to show off in chat! Some titles are a bit of a challenge to get, while others come free or as rewards.

To apply a title, do [/titles] to open the menu and browse through the categories 'til you find one that's unlocked, then click it! Your title instantly applies and is visible in chat to everyone online, so go ahead and show it off!

Titles can be obtained through many activities including; reaching different levels in Jobs/ Skills, having a certain amount of playtime, participating in server Events, purchasing a Donator or Bismuth Rank, and many more!
There are multiple Free titles that any player can use immediately upon joining PrismaCraft, as well as Country titles which are unlocked based on where you currently are in the world.

(If your Country isn't a title yet, please don't hesitate to request it to be added through a Discord suggestion, a ticket, or just flagging down a Staff member!)
During server Events, we will commonly have a couple titles floating around either for free, as Crate rewards, or as fun little easter eggs to find. So any avid title collectors should keep an eye on our Discord announcements for details on these during event seasons!

Shhhh, the Hidden titles are a SECRET! If you figure out the requirements for a hidden title, we ask that you please keep it hush hush for the enjoyment of the rest of the server!!<3 Feel free to ask Staff members for a hint on these titles (they will be vague though!).

   Pronouns are another fun title-related detail we're proud to feature on PrismaCraft!
   These are also found in the [/titles] menu and are visible when hovering
   over someone's name in chat, along with some other info about the
   player. We deeply encourage all players to set their pronouns if they're
   comfortable with it!

  Remove your titles and pronouns by clicking the Remove buttons in the main
  [/titles] menu.



Ever notice other players running around with a colorful trail following them or a bunch of particles hanging around them? These are our custom cosmetics!

In the [/cosmetics] menu you'll find a few categories to browse through that are full of fun cosmetics to apply! These categories are organized by where on your player the particles will appear, and how they're obtained.
All cosmetics found in the Trails, Particles, and Wings categories are ONLY obtainable through the Cosmetic Crate at [/crates] (this crate rotates it's rewards every so often). Keys for this crate are commonly found as a reward in the Rare Crate and other activities on Prisma.

Like titles, we often add new cosmetics during server Events and also offer them as rewards for purchasing Bismuth subscriptions!

With cosmetics comes the ability to toggle on/off your personal visibility!
When cosmetics are toggled On everyone, including you, can see your applied particles. When toggled Off you can no longer see the cosmetic, but everyone else can. (This is especially useful for builders)


Remove your cosmetics by clicking the Remove      
button in the main [/cosmetics] menu.     


(Pictured: Pride Wings & End Rod Trail.)