
The Unload feature is a rank-locked command that allows players to automatically unload items from their inventory to make it easier for players to sort their chests. Starting at rank 14 or through the Ruby donator rank, the feature sorts the items to the location where an item is already in a chest.

You can use this feature with either the [/unload] or [/dump] commands. As this standard command, It will not remove items from your armor slots or your hotbar. Read more below to learn more about how to unload your hotbar.

Once you use this command, the items removed from your inventory and the coordinates of the chests it was placed in will show up in your chat


To be able to dump items from your hotbar, you need to either specify [/dump hotbar] or [/unload hotbar].

To blacklist items from being dumped or unloaded, you could type the command [/blacklist (item)]

To only dump in a radius, you could specify a radius by [/dump (radius)] or [/unload (radius)]