
General Information

  • Custom Fish There are a total of 170 unique fish to catch, that come in three rarities!
    • Normal (81) 
    • Curio (83)
    • Special (6)
  • Treasures Occasionally, you might reel in treasures containing cool cosmetic items.
  • Trash Not every catch is a winner - sometimes, you'll pull up trash.


  • [/fishdex] Opens the Fishdex, your personal fish encyclopedia. 
  • [/dex] Opens the Dex, a broader index that includes the fishdex.
  • [/doubloonshop] Access the Doubloon Shop to spend or purchase doubloons.

  • [/fishcomplb] View the leaderboard for the current fishing competition.
  • [/fishcomp] Check when the next fishing competition is scheduled to begin.
  • [/sellallfish] or [/sellfish]  Sell the custom fish you've caught for some coins.
  • [/togglefish] Toggle between catching custom fish or vanilla fish.

Fishing Competitions

  • Schedule
    • Weekdays every two hours
    • Weekends every hour
  • Competition Types
    • Largest Fish The winner is the player who catches the largest singular fish during the competition.
    • Most Fish The winner is the player who catches the most fish during the competition
    • Largest Total The winner is the player who catches the largest fish collectively by adding up the sizes of all fish caught during the competition.
  • Rewards
    • Doubloons
      • First Place fifteen doubloons
      • Second Place ten doubloons
      • Third Place five doubloons
    • Treasures
      • First Place Gold Treasure
      • Second Place Silver Treasure
      • Third Place Bronze Treasure


  • The Fishdex keeps track of all the fish you've ever caught.
  • For each fish you've caught you can view information such as:
    • The biomes where it can be found.
    • Time of day requirements for catching it.
    • Weather conditions required for catching it.
    • Moon phase required for catching it.
    • Maximum and minimum sizes.

Additional Tips

  • Experiment The fish you can catch depend on several factors. Try fishing in different biomes, different times of day, and in different weather to fill out your Fishdex.
  • Share information Sharing your catches with others can be really helpful in filling out your Fishdex.