
Pets are a nice way to personalize your experience on our server, you can access the menu to buy pets with [/petshop]. You gain the ability to get more pet slots the more you rank up, you get 2 more pet slots per rank.

When you buy your pet you will have to type [/pcst] to choose its skill tree, all of them will have descriptions on what they do. You can change this later!
At level 50 you get your first [/petbeacon] upgrade and at level 75 your get your last one. The max level for all pets is Level 100!

We have almost every mob as a pet version and if there is a baby version of that mob we probably have that too!
Prices range from 1,000 coins to our highest being 500,000 coins!

Pet Commands [/mypet]

[/petinfo] : Displays info about your pet  (alias : [/pinfo]).
[/petshop] : Opens the pet shop  (alias : [/psh]).
[/petoptions] : Change your pet's options (use [TAB]).
[/petcall] : Calls your pet  (alias : [/pc]).
[/petsendaway] : Sends your pet away  (alias : [/psa]).
[/petstop] : Stops your pet from attacking  (alias : [/ps]).
[/petname <name>] : Changes the name of your pet (supports color codes).
[/petrelease] : Releases your pet (will have to buy your pet again).
[/petswitch] : Allows you to switch between your pets  (alias : [/psw]).
[/petstore] : Stores your current pet. [/petswitch] to un-store it.  (alias : [/pst]).
[/petskill] : Shows the skill-levels.
[/petchooseskilltree] : Shows and allows you to choose skilltrees  (alias : [/pcst]).
[/petinventory] : Opens the inventory of the pet  (alias : [/pi]).
[/petpickup] : Toggles item pickup on or off  (alias : [/pp]).
[/petbehavior] : Selects the behavior of the pet  (alias : [/pb]).
[/petbeacon]: Opens the beacon configuration menu.  (alias : [/pbeacon])