
With this feature you can be bound by marriage to a maximum of 100 people at a time! Marriage comes with all sorts of benefits including: the ability to teleport to your partner at any time, gifting an item to them by holding it in your main hand and using the gift command (each item sent costs 100 coins), and the most important one by far, kissing your partner by shift + right clicking the player with a cooldown but you can avoid this cooldown buy buying the xoxo title from the prisms shop!

Some basic commands to get you started include the following: (do [/marry help] in game for more info!)
[/marry <playername>] - get married! (this is broadcasted to the server)
[/marry divorce <playername>] - divorce your partner (this is not broadcasted)
[/marry list] - lists all married partners on the server
[/marry partnerlist] - lists all partners of a player
[/marry tp <playername>] - teleport to your partner
[/marry gift <playername>] - sends the item in your main hand to a partner

Marrying someone costs 500 coins total (250 coins each) so make sure both parties have some money!