
Welcome to PrismaCraft's rules!

Take a moment to familiarize yourself with our community guidelines. Click on the different sections above to explore specific rules and guidelines.
Remember, following these rules ensures everyone has a fun and enjoyable experience.

Appeal Bans or Report Players on Discord:

a. Avoid controversial topics in global chat.
     - For the most part try to avoid the discussion of religion, politics, violence, and similar topics in global chat.
     - Sometimes it is okay to discuss these topics but if discussions become heated or too argumentative they will not be allowed to continue.

b. Be civil to other players.
     - Do your best to keep a generally respectful tone with other players. Just be nice!

c. No harassment, discrimination, or bullying.
     - Respect other players' boundaries.

d. The use of hateful language and slurs is not tolerated.
     - We have a zero tolerance policy for the use of slurs and hateful language in any channel.
     - Off-server conduct can constitute reason for a bun under this rule.

e. Intentionally misgendering someone is not allowed.

f. No advertising or external links.
     - You may link to google, youtube, or other well known sites.

g. Avoid Spamming.
     - Do not bother others by repeatedly sending tp requests, warping to their player warp, advertising in game items, asking to buy things, asking to join a town, sending similar chat messages, etc.

h. Do not share or threaten to share the personal information of others.
     - This includes but is not limited to addresses, ip addresses, real names, information shared in confidence, etc.
     - Do not talk about your age or the age of others in global chat.

i. Do not engage in explicit or inappropriate interactions with people under the age of 18.
     - We have a zero tolerance policy for inappropriate contact with minors by adults.
     - Inappropriate conduct includes but is not limited to, sexual jokes, manipulative behavior, discussion of inappropriate topics, etc.

j. Do not use innuendo or talk about sexually explicit material in global chat.

k. Do not excessively discuss illicit substances (drugs) in global chat.

l. Keep global chat in English.
     - You can speak any language you prefer in town, nation, or private chats.

a. No overly explicit builds.
     - Including but not limited to hate symbols, genitalia, etc.

b. No lag machines.
     - Whether intended or unintended these are subject to removal.

c. Do not build anything other than map art in the map art world. (Towny)

d. Avoid mass placing blocks along the surface of the resource map. (Towny)
     - Be mindful of players' access to resources in the resource world.

e. Griefing, even unclaimed areas, is not allowed.
     - Do not take blocks that do not belong to you when they are part of a build. 
     - Failure to replant public farms is also considered griefing. 

f. Do not collect resources in the towny worlds. (Towny)

a. Do not use any mod or client that might give you an unfair advantage.
     - Approved mods include but are not limited to minimaps, visual enhancement mods, performance mods, etc.
     - Other mods may be approved upon request.

b. No macros.
     - A macro is any automated input sequence that imitates keystrokes or mouse actions.
     - Physical modifications such as taping down your mouse button are also not allowed.

c. No duping in any form.
     - This includes TNT, rails, carpets, etc.

d. No exploiting.
     - Exploits are abusable bugs or unintended mechanics that can be used to give you an unfair advantage.
     - You should report any exploit that you may find without taking advantage of it.

a. No scamming. (Towny)
     - Do not deliberately deceive other players into giving you money or items.

b. Do not avoid the afk timer. (Towny)
     - AFK pools or any other device meant to prevent you from being marked as afk or afk kicked are not allowed.

c. Do not afk grind skills. (Towny)

d. Do not use or set homes in other players bases/farms/villager halls/grinders/etc. without permission. (Towny)

a. You may have no more than 2 accounts per IP address.
     - Using a VPN to bypass this limit is not allowed.
     - Exceptions are made for families and other groups that share an IP address.

b. Approved uses for alts: (No other uses are permitted)
     - Voting
     - Vote Party
     - Receiving Key Alls 
     - Loading Chunks

c. All actions done on your account are your responsibility.
     - “My brother was on my account” is not a valid excuse.

a. Any unclaimed containers are free to be looted.
     - The general rule is: “if you can open it you can take what's in it” including town ruins (that is a bit mean though).
     - Griefing, even unclaimed areas, is not allowed.

b. Towns are allowed to set their own rules in whatever way they choose so long as they don’t contradict server rules.

c. Town staff may kick any resident so long as they have an articulable reason.

d. Once a player has been kicked from a town, they must be given at least seven days notice to move their belongings. After this time has passed whatever remains becomes property of the town.

e. Camping outside someone else’s town solely for the purpose of being a nuisance is not allowed.

f. Town claims must be attached to either an outpost or your main town.
     - Do not claim in long straight lines in order to occupy an unduly large portion of the map.
     - Do not claim singular chunks unconnected to your town in order to occupy an unduly large portion of the map.

a. No teleport trapping in any form. (Towny)

b. PVP areas should be clearly marked inside towns. (Towny)

a. Do not impersonate staff or other players.

b. If you would like to dispute a punishment you must create a ticket in the discord server.
     - Direct messages sent to staff will be ignored.
     - If you are also banned from the discord your ban is final and may not be appealed.

c. Causing discomfort resulting in multiple issues within the community may be grounds for a ban.

d. Pushing the limits of the rules can be grounds for a ban, no rule lawyering.

e. Skins that depict inappropriate, explicit, or hateful material are not allowed.