
Your best method of contacting any member of staff is through a ticket in our Discord server!
Tickets are mainly used for reporting bugs and issues, but players are free to ask us any questions they'd like if this is a more comfortable setting for them.
Feel free to send staff a [/mail] message in game or flag them down in chat/ discord chat for any help on things that may seem too small for a ticket!
To make a ticket find the #create-a-ticket channel in the PrismaCraft Discord, hit the Create Ticket button and start detailing your issue/ question!
If you have a specific issue you'd like to report regarding another player or a private matter, feel free to make a Player Report instead.
Player Reports are handled by and only visible to Mods and Admins, whereas regular Tickets are visible to Helpers as well.


Our Staff Team

PrismaCraft's Staff Team is full of friendly goofballs that love interacting with our player base and creating fun, new features together! We tend to always have something new to work on that'll be added to the server and love spoiling new features in the Discord #spoilers channel. The whole team tends to have good knowledge of basic server stuff so please feel free to ask any of us questions!

Our lovely Owners! These guys made PrismaCraft happen and are super active in-game and in Discord!


Our hardworking Admins do mostly back-end work on server features but are also very active in the community! 


      Mods & Mod+
Our dear Mod team mostly deal with player issues in all capacities and are involved in the addition of new features!



Helpers are very chat moderation oriented and do a great job of handling player issues!